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Pre-Operative Instructions and Testing

Approximately one week before surgery a pre-anesthesia nurse will call you to review your medical history and pre-operative instructions. If we have been unable to reach you, please call our nurse at (630) 946-2718 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. It is important you return this call promptly so the anesthesiologist can determine if you will need further testing prior to your procedure. If there is no answer, please leave a message with the best time and the phone number (and if possible, an alternative phone number) you can be reached at, and the nurse will return your call as soon as possible.

Medical Clearance

Prior to your surgery, a physical examination by your Primary Care Physician (PCP) will need to be completed no more than 30 days before the date of your surgery and the medical history review. In some cases, you may need an EKG (also within the 30 days), lab work, or X-rays. If you see any specialists, such as a cardiologist or pulmonologist, you also will need clearance from them prior to surgery. Please bring a complete list of medications and supplements (prescriptions and over-the- counter) you are taking to these appointments.

Choose Your Coach

Having a healthy support system can be very beneficial for you during this process. The person you choose to support you should be a source of encouragement during the recovery process. It is a good idea to discuss with them some of the ways he/she can assist you.

These include:

  • Motivating and encouraging you to follow your post-surgical instructions.
  • Helping you make sure your home is safe for your
  • return after surgery.
  • Being available to help when you return home.
  • Becoming familiar with your discharge instructions and helping you understand them.
  • Supporting you in staying on track with your recovery.
  • Driving you home from the surgery center.

Preparing Your Home

Preparing your home for your return after surgery is a key part of your readiness for surgery. Here are some suggestions of ways to prepare your home before surgery:

  • Make sure you have sturdy hand railings next to any stairs in and around your home to provide you with the additional support you will need during recovery.
  • In order to move around your house easily, it is a good idea to clear space in your hallways and rooms, so it is easier to move around.
  • Inspect your floors for any potential tripping hazards. Remove throw rugs, or any other obstacles that could get in the way when you walk around your home. Consider taping down any electrical cords to prevent them from becoming a tripping hazard.
  • Plan to use chairs with arms and seats that are firm and high to provide you with extra support.
  • Take extra care in your bathroom. There can be potential slipping hazards such as wet floors, towels, and rugs. You may want to consider placing some non-slip strips or a rubber mat in the bath or shower.
  • Arrange things in the shower so they are easier to reach, since your range of motion may be limited after surgery. Using a shower chair or a handheld showerhead could be helpful.
  • Consider rearranging your kitchen to avoid reaching overhead or low to the floor. Move frequently used items to waist height.

In addition to preparing your home, you will want to be sure that you are prepared for surgery. Here is a list of suggestions that may help you prepare and reduce any anxiety:

  • Select clothes that are comfortable and easy to get on and off. Clothes such as loose-fitting sweatpants or shorts, zip-up or button-down shirts are recommended.
  • Remember to be careful around your pets after surgery. They can increase your chance of falling after surgery. They can also increase your chance at developing an infection, so please do not sleep with them after surgery until your wound is healed.
  • If you have a dog, it’s also a good idea to find someone to walk your dog for a while after surgery. Holding on to the leash if your dog suddenly pulls away from you could damage your repair.
  • Think about stocking your freezer with prepared meals or even buying frozen meals. You may want to consider foods that are high in fiber to help combat the potential for constipation after surgery.

Medications & Alcohol

If you are on any anticoagulation prescription medications (such as Coumadin, Plavix, Xarelto, and Eliquis) please notify your surgeon and contact your prescribing physician to find out when to stop these medications prior to surgery. Also, stop taking all herbals and supplements, vitamins, and appetite suppressants 14 days before surgery. Stop taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) such as Motrin, ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Naproxen, Aspirin, and others 7 days before surgery. And stop drinking alcohol and ingesting marijuana 24 hours before surgery.

Schedule Postoperative Visit

Your post-operative appointment with your surgeon will be scheduled through your surgery scheduler/coordinator and will take place 7-14 days following your surgery, depending on your surgeon.

Preparing Yourself Before Surgery

Please follow your pre-operative instructions carefully. It is extremely important to understand and follow these directions. They are for your safety. If these instructions are not followed, it could result in the cancellation of your surgery.

  • Tell us if you have any allergies or sensitivities to food or medication.
  • If you take daily medications, the preadmission testing nurse will instruct you on which medication you may take the day of surgery and at what time.
  • Bring any inhalers you use with you on the day of surgery.
  • Stop smoking 4 weeks before surgery.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and ingesting marijuana 24 hours before surgery
  • Remove nail polish and nail wrapping from all fingers and toes prior to coming to the surgery center. If you do get a pedicure do not get color nail polish.
  • Do not apply any makeup, cream, powders, lotions, or aftershave the day of surgery.
  • Do not apply deodorant to the surgical arm.

Nutritional Optimization

Nutrition is an important part of surgery that you can control and may help enhance your outcome. Optimizing nutrition can help improve the recovery process by preventing muscle loss, improving wound healing, and contribute to an accelerated recovery. It is recommended that you take high protein nutritional supplements (such as drinks or powders) 2 weeks before surgery and weeks after. Discuss with your care team or nurse navigator options that would be beneficial to you.

If Illness Develops

If you develop a cold, virus, sore throat, fever, or other illness during the week before your scheduled surgery, please contact your surgeon immediately. Your surgeon will determine whether your procedure should be rescheduled.

Related Topics

  • American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
  • American Orthopaedic Association
  • Arthroscopy Association of North America
  • American Medical Association
  • New England Shoulder and Elbow Society
  • American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons